Otherwise, three thumbs down for the August 2010 addition, that fake, tacky ceiling that comes with dwarf phallus-like lights not matching the old architecture of the lobby and column hall, as well as for those tacky chandeliers (sort of) hanging on plastic wires and lit by halogen lights. As for the new lobby area furniture, it matches nothing at all in style, colour or size. To put it in one word, the Bucharest Hilton is slowly turning in a Dubai mall, as someone suggested. However, on the politically correct side of the coin, as Mr. Hilton said himself: "if I were to describe the three best features of a successful hotel, they would be: location, location and location". Recommended? For its history, yes, for the present tense, definitely not, rather head for the equally central and usually cheaper Capsa or Rembrandt, while for the a real treat without unnecessary fake ceilings and certainly without a dime a dozen chandeliers head for the Carol Parc, places with an authentic charm and service. Not to mention Capsa’s confectionery shop, Carol Parc’s exquisite restaurant, Rembrandt’s fine atmosphere and large rooms or Opera’s considerably lower rates. In terms of service, the experience I had with the last group there says it all: while they had two large groups checking out and departing at almost the same time (previous, like in months ahead, notice given) and they were not able to handle the situation without major delays, everyone (guides, drivers, foreign TDs) was helping with luggage. In the middle of the chaos they themselves had generated by a lousy management, one of the bellboys yelled at a guide helping with luggage: “ay, dude, you don’t know how to handle luggage!”. Indeed, and you, Sir, have no idea of what service (or professional behaviour) is.
Just like at the Marriott, there is a taxi mafia around (possibly the toughest in town), so beware in what kind of car you get, for otherwise you will pay dearly. Never take a taxi car parked opposite the entrance, rather hail a trustworthy one passing by, or, if asking the front desk / concierge to call one, be precise for the company you are interested in, so as to avoid paying EUR 20 instead of RON 10 for the same ride. If driving your own car, most times you will not be able to stop right in front of the hotel and unload your luggage, as that place is reserved to limos staying there all day long, with makeshift driver-guides preying on the odd, naive biznisman, to put it the local way.
GPS - N44 26.473 E26 05.764
1-3 Episcopiei, http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=BUHHITW
Click on the map for getting the full detail Google map of the area.