The palace follows a rectangular shape, being arranged on three levels: the vaulted cellar, the ground floor and the first floor. On the ground floor there are three larger and two smaller rooms. The access to the first floor is done up the open belfry facing the South. Upon stepping inside from the belfry, one reaches a long hallway separating the two apartments: the ruler’s to the left and his wife’s to the right. A loggia opens on the Northern side of the first floor. The rooms up there bear rich, flower pattern stucco decorations and there used to be many mural paintings along the walls, but those have not survived the passing of time. On the outside the palace bears flower decorations made of stucco that match those on the inside. Where still existent, the painted stucco decorations are better preserved if compared to the Palace in Mogoșoaia (which was luckier, being restored and promoted accordingly). The typical Brâncoveanu style, richly carved stone decorations on the loggia and the simple, however elegant structure of the settlement are of particular interest.
The inner yard preserves foundation ruins of the cuhnia (kitchen) in the SE corner and of an old house with a cellar and ground floor to the E. In a separate enclosure there is the St. Dumitru Church, raised by Constantin Brâncoveanu in 1683. The site currently goes through restoration works, but access is possible - ask the guard nicely. Getting to Potlogi by public transport is possible from Filaret Bus Station, with 4 daily departures: 06:00 AM, 08:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 03:30 PM (data as of 2015).
GPS - N44 33.852 E25 35.286