The ‘tupeu’ is the biggest and highest form of phallic ego ever. The “c-așa vrea mușchii mei” (En. “for so my muscles wants”, and no, grammar is none of their top interests) idiot is the typical retard that is keen on showing he / she can do whatever he / she wants (or even does not want) just to show off that he / she can. They will park in the middle of the crossing, or next to the “No parking” sign. They will drive against the flow. They will stand in the doorway while on the tube, so that people cannot get on or off the train. They will smoke next to the ‘No Smoking’ sign. They will go in front of the line without queuing. They will get drunk and drive. They will throw their trash in the street even though there is a garbage bin 5 meters away. They will shout even though the one they are talking to is just next to them. They will loudly play music on their mobile phone even though they have earphones. If asked why they do all this, the answer will be plain and simple, even though most probably shouted: “Fuck you!” (take it as you want, you’re probably going to get a “Futu-ți morții mă-ti, c-așa vrea mușchii mei” i.e. fuck your mother’s deceased, for so my muscle wants). And nobody that happens to be on the tube or in the street at that moment will ever dare do / say anything. For people are afraid and egocentric just like the ‘Mușchii Mei Man’. Neither any better, nor any worse. For we are all Romanian, daughters of the Absurd, sons of the Stan (yeah, me included, it is clearly typed in my passport).
The reason for all this status quo? A society where only the bold ones used to get their rationalized meat portion during the communist regime, a society that does not care, a society where people are afraid of themselves and of saying something against the System (for it used to be punished with imprisonment). A society that is stuck to the past more than it is to the present. A society where everything that is not mine, bothers me and should therefore be ignored (if not destroyed) for good. A society the members of which are trying to hide their being deeply frustrated by their egocentrism, arguing and noise. Sick? Yes, it is. But do not expect it to ever admit neither its being sick, nor its mistakes. The deeper it goes, the noisier it gets. Why? You should already know the answer, bă animalule.